Anoice the black rain rar

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(dont even make me remember those testosteron-driven spaceslime-ish creatures that tend to favour pleasing females of all kind in a laughable rude & violent manner. Had quite high hopes for that one, especially when considering who´s worked on it, but the result.Ĭant really say i was pleased by its outcome, felt way too much like some parody of sorts. To me personally closed game fell as much flat as it could possibly have. Worth noting is that none of the examples are nowhere near as ambitious as Starless content-wise, which should theoretically make them a bit more manageable for a small studio, but what do I know If there's an interest, what would you like to see localized? Leica Wild T2 Manual Transmission.

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I hope this means JAST will take on some of their other titles as well. Judging by some staff comments it seems that JAST has a pretty decent relationship with Will/Empress after the English release of Starless last year. My suggestion for future JAST projects would be to bring more Empress games to the west.